I’m having a fantastic time at the studio at the moment, surrounded by my carvings. It’s great just to sit among them and absorb the atmosphere. It’s rare to have such an opportunity to be totally surrounded by my work.
One overriding thought springs to mind. I had promised myself that I would stick to a mantra, ‘If you can’t carry it, don’t carve it !!’ …. its not working!
This week has been hard work. Paca, in green kanyakumari granite, needed a lot of work and has been difficult to repolish. I want to keep the colour matt. I have cut a black granite base to lift the work. The base may well be polished yet or finished with the brushard hammer – we’ll see. The oak part of the base will need leveling, but all in all I’m very happy.
And on to Red, in ruby red granite. I’m loving this form! It’s difficult to keep my experimental tendencies away from it. As it stands however, I’m enjoying it immensely, though it’s far from finished and the finishing shown here may yet change. sorry cameras gone a little misty.
Next is Burst II, in vizag blue granite. So I took the polish off. It wasn’t right for this work. When it’s wet with morning dew or rain, it shows its colour; when it dries out, the crystalline white really makes the form leap forawrd from its surroundings.. The mounting: well, I do love the skin this black granite boulder. Once in place the base will be part buried.
Which brings me to Wings, in Kanyakumari white granite. I’m still working on getting to grips with carvings in pairs. I’ll let this one stand for a while, just touch up the polishing. Maybe i’ll change the base to one piece. Or treat them as two separate works.
Finally, I’ve started to develop the wall-mounted work that had been sat on the workbench for over 4 months. She doesn’t have a name yet, though I’m leaning towards Bang! The work is in such an early stage that I was going to hold the images back for another week, but it has already sent my mind off imagining a vast array of wall-mounted works so I thought I’d share it. The form on the right is roughed out and will be worked on further.
All this and I still haven’t started to polish the smaller works….
Thanks for reading!